Photography is a passion that many people keep but most people cannot express themselves fully because of lack of photography experience.
So whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer here are some tips about photography to improve your skills.

Using the rule of thirds-This rule will help you take eye- catching photos using one of the most effective rules of composition.
If you want to take photos that make people go wow then the rule of third is the composition secret you need to take advantage of.
To use the rule of third first imagine four lines, two lying horizontally across the image and two vertical creating nine squares. Some images will look best with the focal point in the center square.
But placing the subject off- center at one of the intersecting points of the imaginary lines will often create a more aesthetic photo.
When a photograph is clicked using the rule of thirds the eyes will wander the frame. A photo composed by the rule of thirds is aesthetic to the eye. If you want to take great photos that you would be proud of they use the rule of thirds.
This photography tip and lot more you can also find on the net on some photo editor where you can edit images online.
Avoid shaking camera- Camera shake or blur is something that can ruin any photograph. Here are some ways to avoid it.
Firstly you need to learn how to hold the camera perfectly.
Use both hands with one hand around the body and one hand around the lens and hold the camera close to your body for extra support.
Also for handheld shooting, make extra sure that you are using shutter speed that is appropriate for your focal length. If your shutter speed is slow then any unintentional movement of the camera will result in your entire photo becoming blurry.
The rule of thumb is not to shoot at a shutter speed that is slower than your focal length to minimize this problem. Use a tripod whenever possible.

Learn to use exposure-To get the best looking photos you need to master three basics.
Aperture, shutter speed and ISO. You also need to understand the relationship between these three controls.
When you tweak one of them you have to adjust the other too as well or you might not get the photo you desire. Using auto mode does take care of these controls but the professional photographers use manual mode and create the best result possible given the scenario.
It is best to learn how to use aperture or shutter speed by using manual mode.
Using polarizing filter-If you can afford to buy one filter for your lens I would like to advice you make it polarizer.
The recommended type of polarizer is circular because these allow the camera to use through the lens metering such as auto exposure.
This filter helps reduce reflections from water as well as metal or glass. It also improves the color of the sky and foliage will help give your photos that aesthetic look. It does all that while protecting your lens.
There is no reason why you cannot leave it on for all of your photography.
Creating depth- While photographing landscapes, it helps a lot to create a sense of depth.
Make the viewer feel like they are there. Use a wide angle lens for panoramic view and small aperture of f/16 or smaller to keep the foreground and background much sharper.
It helps by placing an object or a person in the foreground to emphasize how far away the distance is. Use a tripod if possible for these shots as these shots look amazing if done right.
Using simple background- I have said it again and again on multiple articles that simplicity is best.
Keeping it simple often results in the best photograph. You have to decide what needs to be in the shot while not including anything else that might distract the viewer when they view your photo.
If possible choose a plain background. You want the viewer’s eyes to be drawn only to the subject in the photo.
This is very vital in a shot where the model is placed off center. The best example to use simple background is for product photography.
Now a days photographer use white background for product photography other hand they use some clipping path company to remove product background and replace white background as a standard background for ecommerce website.

No indoor flash- Flash can look harsh and unnatural especially for indoor portraits.
Whenever you are shooting indoors try not to use flash if there are lighting.
There are various ways you can take an image indoors without using flash. The first one is push the ISO up.
Doing so will make a big difference and for the shutter speed you can choose. Use wide aperture if possible.
The reason is we want more light to reach the sensor. Doing so you will get a nice blurred background and a focused subject in the middle.
Using a tripod or an image stabilizer is also a great way to avoid blurry images.

Choosing the right ISO- the ISO determines how sensitive your camera is to light also how fine the pixels of your image is.
When it is dark you need to push the ISO up higher so that more light can come in and you do not get a blurry image. But on sunny days keeping your ISO low can help you get perfect photos without ruining the photo with excess light.
Final verdict
Finally I hope these tips were useful to you as these will help you grow and acquire more advanced skills in the future. Last advice is to be patient and practice. Only practice can make you a great photographer.